Posted by : Fawwaz Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

This time i will discuss about israel martial art namely Krav Maga ( Hebrew : קרב מגע which means " contact fight " ) is a military martial art of empty hand developed in Israel , which assumes that no mercy will be given and emphasizes maximum threat neutralization in the context of " real life " . This system is recognized for its excellence has been adopted by various Israeli Defense Forces .

The name generally in Hebrew means " close combat " . The word maga ( מגע ) means " contact " or " close " and said Krav ( קרב ) meaning " battle " . It has a mean fight involving physical contact as the opposite of the fight using weapons from far away ( although Krav Maga taught to use modern weapons in everyday life such as rifle , pistol and similar objects are combined with self-defense techniques )

The basic principle
In Krav Maga , there are no hard and fast rules , and no distinction in training for men and women . This is not a sport , and no uniforms , clothing or specific competition , although some organizations introduce in practice with different levels of rank or badge . All the techniques focus on maximum efficiency in real-life conditions . Krav Maga generally assumes that people will not forgive attacker , therefore , as a response , attack and defense are emphasized only be used to the situation with the deadly threat targeting to neutralize and blur quickly and safely as possible . Malicious attacks towards vulnerable parts of the body , including the groin and eye attacks , head banging and efficient potential attacks and other brutal . Improvisation or develop an attack with all existing objects , and maximizing personal safety in a fight , are emphasized . However, it should be stressed that instructors can and do demonstrations how to adjust the technique to suit the situation . When the "no limits " is used in a situation in real life safety threat , the instructor should be able to do minimal damage to other situations that can be identified and emphasized .

Guiding principle in using Krav Maga techniques are: > Do not hurt
  > Quickly neutralize the attacker
  > With a quick transition from engineering techniques to survive attack
  > The exploitation of all natural reflexes in the body
  > Exploitation of all vulnerable parts of the body
  > Use all existing objects as aid

These principles were developed in the context of a life-threatening situation . Krav Maga instructors emphasized to match the appropriate response to the risk.
In general , Krav Maga requires users to overcome the closest threat , prevent further attacks , new and neutralize the attacker . Actions carried out in the manner according to the method . Krav Maga emphasizes on preventing further attacks from the attacker , such as , in some situations may require action in anticipation of being attacked . To avoid the danger of the development of the situation .

Although Krav Maga techniques have much in common with other martial arts , his training is very different . Stressing on the fight in the worst scenario possible conditions that occur or of a position that is not profitable , for example : against multiple opponents at once , while protecting other people , with one hand may not be used , while dizzy and against people who use senjata.Krav Maga emphasizes learning quickly and retzef ( " continuous movement fight " ) , with emphasis on efficiency , either to attack or defend .
Instructors emphasize two rules in a fight : ( 1 ) There are no rules in a fight ( 2 ) Should not injure yourself or partner when training . Exercise is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise strong . Depends on the use of the pad with the intention of experiencing offense and defense with full force . This is very important because it allows students to practice the techniques with full force and students who hold the pad will feel a slight shock will they feel when hit by an attack . Almost the same as last load holding pad and pad attack . The students also use protective headgear , gum protector , groin protector , protective chin and forehead and so on . Some schools incorporate " Attack & Fighting " , which contains full contact sparring intended to familiarize the student with hard situations and pressing .
Exercise may also use a sound system loud music also steam engine , which aims to train to ignore distractions and focus on the needs situasi.Metode another exercise is to make the new students survive tired , practicing outdoors with a variety of surface types and situations limited , wearing a blindfold before being attacked and so on . The emphasis is on trying to simulate a fight or assault situation as real as possible with exercise security restrictions .
Exercise also typically include the sensitivity of the situation, to help develop a sense of surrounding and threatening circumstances before an attack occurs . It also includes " self-protection " : how to deal with situations that could end in fights and physical and verbal methods to avoid violence whenever possible.
A typical workout session is civil approximately 1 hour of exercise and exercise combined with the teachings of martial stamina . With increasing levels , instructors will focus on more complex movements and unusual methods such as the defense of the knife , hostage situations and survive under harsh coercion . Originally instructor increases the heart rate with exercise and then after heating 2 or 3 will teach self-defense techniques . In the early days of fighting techniques ( punches and kicks ) or grappling ( lockdown and dings ) . After the drill the right class combines aerobic movements earlier techniques . Drill is the name for the type of training in Krav Maga .


   Development in Israel
Krav Maga was developed in Hungary and Czechoslovakia in the 1930s by Imi Lichtenfeld , also known as Imi Sde - or ( Sde - or means " light field " which is a direct translation of the name is finally " light field " becomes Lichtendfield ) . He first taught his system in Bratislava in order to protect the Jewish community from Nazi Militia . Upon arriving in the area " of the British Mandate for Palestine " , he began to teach his system to the forces of the Haganah , the Jewish underground army . Only after the state of Israel stands , Imi became the head of physical training and Krav Maga at the Israel Defense Forces ( IDF ) . He served in the IDF for about 20 years , during which time he continued to develop and refine his bare hand combat method . In 1978 he founded , the Israeli Krav Maga Association which is a non -profit along with his senior instructors . He died in 1998 in Netanya , Israel .

   Development outside of Israel
In 1980 , Experts Krav Maga lived in Israel and trained under the Israeli Krav Maga Association . In the same year also marked the Israeli Krav Maga Association contact with interested students in the United States . In 1981 the instructor did a demonstration system in the United States, it also led to demonstrations at FBI headquarters . The result is 22 people went to Israel to attend the Basic Course Instructor Krav Maga . After that the participants return to their home areas and develop schools in their respective regions . Additional disciples at that time went to Israel in 1984 and again in 1986 . At the same time the Israeli instructors also visited bodies of U.S. law to introduce Krav Maga . Each year Certification Krav Maga Instructor to be offered in Netanya , Israel to individuals who meet the qualifications .

   Developments in Indonesia
Krav Maga in Indonesia was brought to Indonesia by two organizations: Self Defense Command Indonesia and Indonesia. Special for Indonesian Self Defense , effective January 2009 the core curriculum of change of KM Core SDI into a Defensive Tactics along with the development of resistance and solidarity against the nation and the Palestinians .
Command Indonesia
Indonesian Command is to train Krav Maga organization in Indonesia . Established by Mr. David and his team , he was a security adviser with experience in conflict areas such as Kabul , Baghdad , Yala ( South Thailand ) , Sudan , and Ulan Bataar and also fields such as domestic conflict in Papua , Poso and Aceh Atambua . Incorporated in 2007 . In September 2008 , Indonesia Command official affiliation with Krav - Maga Commando .

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