Posted by : Fawwaz Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

This time i will discuss about martial art from japan namely Karate (空 手 道) is a martial art that originated in Japan . Karate martial arts brought to Japan via Okinawa . Martial arts was first called " Tote " which means like " China Hand " . Time karate into Japan , Japanese nationalism at that time was high-high , so Sensei Gichin Funakoshi changed the kanji Okinawa ( Tote : China Hand ) in Japanese kanji to ' karate ' ( empty hand ) to be more easily accepted by Japanese society . karate consists of over two kanji . the first is ' Kara '空and means ' empty ' . and secondly , ' te '手, meaning ' hand ' . are two kanji together means " empty hand "空手( pinyin : kongshou ) .
According to the Zen - Nippon Karatedo Renmei / Japan Karatedo Federation ( JKF ) and the World Karate Federation ( WKF ) , which is considered a major karate styles are:
     > Shotokan
     > Goju - Ryu
     > Shito - Ryu
     > Wado - Ryu
The fourth stream is recognized as a major Karate style because it participates in the formation of JKF and WKF .
But karate styles in the world 's leading not only the four styles on top of that alone . Several large streams such as Kyokushin , Shorin - ryu and Uechi - ryu spread to many countries in the world and is known as the famous Karate flow , although not included in the " big 4 WKF " .
In Japan, an organization that embodies the sport of Karate throughout Japan are JKF . The organization that embodies the whole world is WKF Karate ( formerly known as WUKO - World Union of Karate Organizations ) . There is also ITKF (International Traditional Karate Federation ) that embodies traditional karate . The function of JKF and WKF Karate is primarily to confirm that is " no direct contact " , in contrast to the flow Kyokushin or Daidojuku that " direct contact " .
Karate is divided into three basic exercises such as the following :
Kihon , namely practice the basic techniques of karate techniques such as hitting , kicking and parry .
Word , namely practice karate moves or flowers .
Kumite , or sparring is sparring drills .
In the current era of karate can also be divided into traditional and stream flow sports . Traditional flow emphasizes aspects of martial arts and combat techniques while sporting more concentrate flow techniques for competitive sports .

Karate technique
Karate techniques are divided into three main parts : Kihon ( basic techniques ) , Kata (stance ) and kumite ( fight ) . Advanced pupils are also taught to use weapons such as sticks ( bo ) and ruyung ( nunchaku ) .

Kihon (基本:きほん, Kihon ? ) Literally means the base or foundation . Kihon Karate practitioners must be mastered well before studying Kata and Kumite .
Kihon training begins from studying the punches and kicks ( white belt ) and dings ( brown belt ) . On stage and or Black Belt , the student is considered to have mastered the entire kihon well .

Kata (型:かた) literally means the shape or pattern . Words in karate is not only a physical or regular aerobic exercise . But it also contains a lesson about fighting principles . Each word has a rhythm of movement and breathing different .
In a word there called Bunkai . Bunkai is an application that can be used on the basis of said movements .
Each stream has a different movement and different names for each word . For example : The word Tekki in Shotokan stream known as Shito Ryu Naihanchi in flow . As a result of Bunkai ( application of the word ) of each flow is also different .

Kumite (组 手:くみて) literally means " meeting of hands " . Kumite performed by advanced students ( blue belt or higher). But now , there is a dojo that teaches beginner kumite at the student level ( yellow belt ) . Before doing free kumite ( Jiyu Kumite ) regulated practitioners learn kumite ( go hon kumite ) or ( yakusoku kumite ) . For sports kumite flow , better known as Kumite Kumite Shiai or match .
To stream Shotokan in Japan , kumite only by students who have already reached the level and ( black belt ) . Practitioners are required to be able to keep his punches so as not to injure comrades compete .
To stream " direct contact " as Kyokushin , Karate practitioners are already accustomed to doing kumite since blue belt strip . Kyokushin practitioner allowed to launch a kick and punch her ​​might toward the opponent's play .
To stream Wado - ryu combinations such , the technique consists of a combination of Karate and Jujutsu , then Kumite is divided into two kinds , namely for preparation Shiai Kumite , which is trained only techniques that are allowed in the game , and Goshinjutsu Kumite Kumite or for self-defense , all used techniques , including jujutsu moves like dings , locks , and attacking vital points .

philosophy of Karate

   Rakka ( fallen flower )
He is the concept of self-defense or defense in karate . He intends any defense techniques that need to be done with a powerful and steady in order to use the technique was enough to defend themselves thus be compared if the technique was carried up the subject , then all the interest of the principal will fall to fall . For example, if someone attacked by mashing the face , the followers of karate may use the above techniques to fend off . Had the defense over the strong and steady enough , he must break the hands mashing it . With that no longer need to make a follow-up strike was enough to defend themselves .

   Mizu No Kokoro ( Minda it like water )
This concept meant that for the purpose of self-defense , minda ( mind ) it is necessary to be maintained and trained to keep calm . If Minda quiet , it 's easy to pengamal martial to dodge or parry an attack . Minda is like water in the lake . When a floating month , we will be able to see the reflection of the moon with the light on a quiet lake . Had to danautersebut dilontar small stone , the moon's shadow on the lake will be blurred .

Karate flow
As mentioned above , there are many schools of Karate in Japan , and some of these streams have entered into Indonesian .
As for the characteristics and background of the various schools of Karate included in the " big 4 JKF " is as follows :

Shoto was the pen name Gichin Funakoshi , Kan can be interpreted as a building / buildings - so it can be translated as university Shotokan Funakoshi . Gichin Funakoshi was a pioneer who brought the science of karate from Okinawa to Japan . Shotokan is a flow accumulation and standardization of various universities in Okinawa karate ever studied by Funakoshi . Adhering to the concept of Ichigeki Hissatsu , is a movement to kill the opponent . Shotokan uses horses low and hard punches and parry . Shotokan movement tends to linear / frontal , thus Shotokan practitioners dare to compete directly with the punches and parry the opponent .

   Goju - ryu
Goju means hard - soft . This flow technique combines hard and soft techniques , and is one of the colleges of traditional karate in Okinawa that has a long history . With the increasing popularity of Karate in Japan ( after the entry into Japan Shotokan ) , Goju flow was brought to Japan by Chojun Miyagi . Miyagi updating many of these techniques into the flow stream Goju - ryu that now , so many people who think Chojun Miyagi the founder of Goju -ryu . Adhering to the concept that " the real battle , we must be able to receive and reply to blow " . So that Goju -ryu emphasizes breathing exercises SANCHIN or basic , so that practitioners can deliver a powerful punch and take a hit from the opponent without getting hurt. Goju - ryu using the defense that is circular and meeting fun doing combat .

   Shito - ryu
Shito - ryu stream famous for playing expertise WORDS , WORDS evident from the many streams that are taught in Shito -ryu , ie there are 30 to 40 WORDS , more than the other streams . But that is recorded in the headmaster / in Japan there are 111 words along with bunkainya . As a comparison , has 25 Shotokan , Wado has 17 , Goju has 12 WORDS . In the fight , Shito - ryu Karate expert can adjust to the conditions , they can fight like Shotokan frontally , as well as meeting with Goju distance .

   Wado - ryu
Wado - ryu Karate is a unique flow as rooted in the martial art of Shindo Yoshin - ryu Jujutsu , a stream of Japanese martial arts techniques that have joint locks and throws . So Wado -ryu Karate in addition to teaching techniques are also taught joint locks and throwing techniques / dings Jujutsu . In the struggle , experts Wado -ryu Jujutsu uses the principle that workers would not complain frontally , more use of defense that is flowing ( not a hard defense ) , and sometimes use jujutsu techniques such as dings and leg sweep to knock the opponent . However , in a game Forki and JKF , Wado - ryu practitioners are also able to adapt to the existing rules and playing without using the Jujutsu moves .

Karate flow that are not included in the " big 4 JKF " include:

Kyokushin is not included in the Japan Karatedo Federation huge 4 . However , this flow is very well known both inside and outside Japan , and also contributed to popularize Karate throughout the world , especially in the 1970s . Flow was founded by Sosai Oyama Masutatsu . Kyokushin name has meaning the highest truth . This flow adopts Budo Karate , where the practitioner - practitioner is required to do a full - contact brave kumite , which is unprotected , to explore the true meaning of martial arts of karate and trains the soul / spirit warrior ( budo ) . This flow also apply Nishi kumite ( kumite 100 ) as the ultimate test , which tested karate kumite do 100 in a row without losing . Sosai Oyama himself has done kumite 300 people . It is common for practitioners of this genre to perform Kumite 5-10 respectively .

   Shorin - ryu
This flow is the flow of the original Karate came from Okinawa . Founded by Shoshin Nagamine based on the teachings of Anko Itosu Yasutsune , a karate teacher of the 19th century who also is a teacher of Gichin Funakoshi , founder of Shotokan Karate . Is understandable that the movement of Shorin -ryu Shotokan much in common with . A striking difference is that the Shorin - ryu also teach a variety of weapons , such as Nunchaku , Kama and Bo Rokushaku .

Uechi - ryu
Karate stream flow is the most receptive to the influence of Chinese martial arts , as the creator of this genre , Kanbun Uechi , learn martial directly in Fujian province in China . Therefore , the movement of the flow of Uechi -ryu Karate is very similar to the martial arts of Fujian flow , especially flow Baihequan ( White Stork ) .
Karate (空 手 道) is a martial art that originated in Japan . Karate martial arts brought to Japan via Okinawa . Martial arts was first called " Tote " which means like " China Hand " . Time karate into Japan , Japanese nationalism at that time was high-high , so Sensei Gichin Funakoshi changed the kanji Okinawa ( Tote : China Hand ) in Japanese kanji to ' karate ' ( empty hand ) to be more easily accepted by Japanese society . karate consists of over two kanji . the first is ' Kara '空and means ' empty ' . and secondly , ' te '手, meaning ' hand ' . are two kanji together means " empty hand "空手( pinyin : kongshou ) .
According to the Zen - Nippon Karatedo Renmei / Japan Karatedo Federation ( JKF ) and the World Karate Federation ( WKF ) , which is considered a major karate styles are:
     > Shotokan
     > Goju - Ryu
     > Shito - Ryu
     > Wado - Ryu
The fourth stream is recognized as a major Karate style because it participates in the formation of JKF and WKF .
But karate styles in the world 's leading not only the four styles on top of that alone . Several large streams such as Kyokushin , Shorin - ryu and Uechi - ryu spread to many countries in the world and is known as the famous Karate flow , although not included in the " big 4 WKF " .
In Japan, an organization that embodies the sport of Karate throughout Japan are JKF . The organization that embodies the whole world is WKF Karate ( formerly known as WUKO - World Union of Karate Organizations ) . There is also ITKF (International Traditional Karate Federation ) that embodies traditional karate . The function of JKF and WKF Karate is primarily to confirm that is " no direct contact " , in contrast to the flow Kyokushin or Daidojuku that " direct contact " .
Karate is divided into three basic exercises such as the following :
Kihon , namely practice the basic techniques of karate techniques such as hitting , kicking and parry .
Word , namely practice karate moves or flowers .
Kumite , or sparring is sparring drills .
In the current era of karate can also be divided into traditional and stream flow sports . Traditional flow emphasizes aspects of martial arts and combat techniques while sporting more concentrate flow techniques for competitive sports .

Karate technique
Karate techniques are divided into three main parts : Kihon ( basic techniques ) , Kata (stance ) and kumite ( fight ) . Advanced pupils are also taught to use weapons such as sticks ( bo ) and ruyung ( nunchaku ) .

Kihon (基本:きほん, Kihon ? ) Literally means the base or foundation . Kihon Karate practitioners must be mastered well before studying Kata and Kumite .
Kihon training begins from studying the punches and kicks ( white belt ) and dings ( brown belt ) . On stage and or Black Belt , the student is considered to have mastered the entire kihon well .

Kata (型:かた) literally means the shape or pattern . Words in karate is not only a physical or regular aerobic exercise . But it also contains a lesson about fighting principles . Each word has a rhythm of movement and breathing different .
In a word there called Bunkai . Bunkai is an application that can be used on the basis of said movements .
Each stream has a different movement and different names for each word . For example : The word Tekki in Shotokan stream known as Shito Ryu Naihanchi in flow . As a result of Bunkai ( application of the word ) of each flow is also different .

Kumite (组 手:くみて) literally means " meeting of hands " . Kumite performed by advanced students ( blue belt or higher). But now , there is a dojo that teaches beginner kumite at the student level ( yellow belt ) . Before doing free kumite ( Jiyu Kumite ) regulated practitioners learn kumite ( go hon kumite ) or ( yakusoku kumite ) . For sports kumite flow , better known as Kumite Kumite Shiai or match .
To stream Shotokan in Japan , kumite only by students who have already reached the level and ( black belt ) . Practitioners are required to be able to keep his punches so as not to injure comrades compete .
To stream " direct contact " as Kyokushin , Karate practitioners are already accustomed to doing kumite since blue belt strip . Kyokushin practitioner allowed to launch a kick and punch her ​​might toward the opponent's play .
To stream Wado - ryu combinations such , the technique consists of a combination of Karate and Jujutsu , then Kumite is divided into two kinds , namely for preparation Shiai Kumite , which is trained only techniques that are allowed in the game , and Goshinjutsu Kumite Kumite or for self-defense , all used techniques , including jujutsu moves like dings , locks , and attacking vital points .

philosophy of Karate

   Rakka ( fallen flower )
He is the concept of self-defense or defense in karate . He intends any defense techniques that need to be done with a powerful and steady in order to use the technique was enough to defend themselves thus be compared if the technique was carried up the subject , then all the interest of the principal will fall to fall . For example, if someone attacked by mashing the face , the followers of karate may use the above techniques to fend off . Had the defense over the strong and steady enough , he must break the hands mashing it . With that no longer need to make a follow-up strike was enough to defend themselves .

   Mizu No Kokoro ( Minda it like water )
This concept meant that for the purpose of self-defense , minda ( mind ) it is necessary to be maintained and trained to keep calm . If Minda quiet , it 's easy to pengamal martial to dodge or parry an attack . Minda is like water in the lake . When a floating month , we will be able to see the reflection of the moon with the light on a quiet lake . Had to danautersebut dilontar small stone , the moon's shadow on the lake will be blurred .

Karate flow
As mentioned above , there are many schools of Karate in Japan , and some of these streams have entered into Indonesian .
As for the characteristics and background of the various schools of Karate included in the " big 4 JKF " is as follows :

Shoto was the pen name Gichin Funakoshi , Kan can be interpreted as a building / buildings - so it can be translated as university Shotokan Funakoshi . Gichin Funakoshi was a pioneer who brought the science of karate from Okinawa to Japan . Shotokan is a flow accumulation and standardization of various universities in Okinawa karate ever studied by Funakoshi . Adhering to the concept of Ichigeki Hissatsu , is a movement to kill the opponent . Shotokan uses horses low and hard punches and parry . Shotokan movement tends to linear / frontal , thus Shotokan practitioners dare to compete directly with the punches and parry the opponent .

   Goju - ryu
Goju means hard - soft . This flow technique combines hard and soft techniques , and is one of the colleges of traditional karate in Okinawa that has a long history . With the increasing popularity of Karate in Japan ( after the entry into Japan Shotokan ) , Goju flow was brought to Japan by Chojun Miyagi . Miyagi updating many of these techniques into the flow stream Goju - ryu that now , so many people who think Chojun Miyagi the founder of Goju -ryu . Adhering to the concept that " the real battle , we must be able to receive and reply to blow " . So that Goju -ryu emphasizes breathing exercises SANCHIN or basic , so that practitioners can deliver a powerful punch and take a hit from the opponent without getting hurt. Goju - ryu using the defense that is circular and meeting fun doing combat .

   Shito - ryu
Shito - ryu stream famous for playing expertise WORDS , WORDS evident from the many streams that are taught in Shito -ryu , ie there are 30 to 40 WORDS , more than the other streams . But that is recorded in the headmaster / in Japan there are 111 words along with bunkainya . As a comparison , has 25 Shotokan , Wado has 17 , Goju has 12 WORDS . In the fight , Shito - ryu Karate expert can adjust to the conditions , they can fight like Shotokan frontally , as well as meeting with Goju distance .

   Wado - ryu
Wado - ryu Karate is a unique flow as rooted in the martial art of Shindo Yoshin - ryu Jujutsu , a stream of Japanese martial arts techniques that have joint locks and throws . So Wado -ryu Karate in addition to teaching techniques are also taught joint locks and throwing techniques / dings Jujutsu . In the struggle , experts Wado -ryu Jujutsu uses the principle that workers would not complain frontally , more use of defense that is flowing ( not a hard defense ) , and sometimes use jujutsu techniques such as dings and leg sweep to knock the opponent . However , in a game Forki and JKF , Wado - ryu practitioners are also able to adapt to the existing rules and playing without using the Jujutsu moves .

Karate flow that are not included in the " big 4 JKF " include:

Kyokushin is not included in the Japan Karatedo Federation huge 4 . However , this flow is very well known both inside and outside Japan , and also contributed to popularize Karate throughout the world , especially in the 1970s . Flow was founded by Sosai Oyama Masutatsu . Kyokushin name has meaning the highest truth . This flow adopts Budo Karate , where the practitioner - practitioner is required to do a full - contact brave kumite , which is unprotected , to explore the true meaning of martial arts of karate and trains the soul / spirit warrior ( budo ) . This flow also apply Nishi kumite ( kumite 100 ) as the ultimate test , which tested karate kumite do 100 in a row without losing . Sosai Oyama himself has done kumite 300 people . It is common for practitioners of this genre to perform Kumite 5-10 respectively .

   Shorin - ryu
This flow is the flow of the original Karate came from Okinawa . Founded by Shoshin Nagamine based on the teachings of Anko Itosu Yasutsune , a karate teacher of the 19th century who also is a teacher of Gichin Funakoshi , founder of Shotokan Karate . Is understandable that the movement of Shorin -ryu Shotokan much in common with . A striking difference is that the Shorin - ryu also teach a variety of weapons , such as Nunchaku , Kama and Bo Rokushaku .

Uechi - ryu
Karate stream flow is the most receptive to the influence of Chinese martial arts , as the creator of this genre , Kanbun Uechi , learn martial directly in Fujian province in China . Therefore , the movement of the flow of Uechi -ryu Karate is very similar to the martial arts of Fujian flow , especially flow Baihequan ( White Stork ) .

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