Posted by : Fawwaz Senin, 02 Desember 2013

This time I will discuss about the silat martial art that is indonesia.Aliran and martial arts in Indonesia

    Silat Cimande - Represents a stream of the oldest martial arts a lot of movement "adopted" by a variety of martial arts universities in Indonesia.
IKSPI (Ikatan seluruh pencak silat indonesia) APE MAGIC - was founded by R.Totong madiun jl.merpati Kiemdarto in 45 cities in 1980, is the power flow in, and the blend of martial arts and Kung Fu in the archipelago.
Pencak Silat NU NUSA FENCE - An autonomous body under the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama which accommodate various colleges and flow among Nahdliyin martial arts. The combination of the various schools and colleges such as the University Cimande, Gasmi (Muslim Indonesian Silat Action Movement), GASPI, Padepokan Saperti, Pencak Champion Club, College of Arts Pencak Silat Hezbollah (Malang), Batara and others.
  -   Silat Persinas Asad - University Persinas religious Asad scored many international fighters. many athletes athletes who follow persinas asad World Art Championship.
Silat Kijang Chain - founded by Hj. Djuhardi of trade villages kabupateen sambas. -    Hasdi (Member Association of Indonesian Silat Association) - founded by Mr. RS. Hasdijatmiko in 1961, based in Jember, East Java, is a martial arts school martial arts movement that developed the technique fast and straightforward.
PSHT (Faithful Heart Brotherhood Terate) established by Ki Hajar Harjo Utomo Pilangbango Village, District Kartoharjo, Madiun in 1922, is a martial arts school that teaches loyalty to his own heart that rests on God Almighty. This college fraternity and shaped prioritize an organization. The official website
Shield Yourself Silat - Indonesian martial arts technique invented by Mr. Dirdjo (government awarded as First Full Swordsman) who never studied more than 150 streams nationwide and studying martial arts kung fu flow Siauw liem sie (Shaolin) for 13 years. Practical and effective techniques based on dodgery elusive maximum strength and attack resistance. It is currently the most recognized martial arts and many of its members in Australia, Europe, Japan and the United States.
Silat Riksa Budi kiwari-College was founded by Mr. Sonny Jayadiman in 1982 in London. Although the college age is relatively young, but has scored many outstanding athletes both at National and International level.
Silat Single-Single Heart Heart of Mary Seminary - breathe martial arts organization of the Catholic religion, founded by seven founding board, including Rm. Hadi, Pr. and Rom. Sandharma Akbar, Pr.
Pencak Silat Siwah - original martial flow from areas of Aceh which combines four original flow of 1.Peureulak Aceh ie, 2. Aceh Besar (Keudee Bing - LhokNga), 3. Pasee, 4. Pidie)
Silat Merpati Putih - college Pencak Silat Empty Hand (PPS Betako)
Silat Son Holy Footprint Muhammadiyah - martial arts organization into a container warrior-warrior who is in Muhammadiyah
Zulfikari martial arts - martial teachings of the Qadiri Rifai Tariqa
Silat Gerana (Motion Sports Buana) Derived from London founded By 3 the founder Sonny Tohari S.Pd, Yuliandi P and Oga NI,, PS.GERANA Pencak Silat which refers to Art Motion As well as rules Pencak Silat with a blend of Pure Breathing antecedent if from inside the human body through the process of relaxation and concentration.
Bongkot blow - a martial arts school
Pencak Silat Sharaf (Silat Mubai) - is a modern martial art school really aggressive. Emphasize the teaching of the empty hand combat, knife, how to cope with firearms and wrestling.
Faith Hikmatul Indonesian Silat - martial arts college that was founded by Dick Zainal Arifin. Silat is a flow of its own without the influence of any stream.
White Eagle Silat - college martial held at Bogor). Flow is composed of a combination of martial arts martial arts school in West Java.
Pusaka Sakti Inti Ombak Mataram Lakutama PPS - college martial arts mataram ask at the time of Jogja and mixed with the flow of Madura evolving with the objective of preservation of national culture.
Pencak Silat Battle - martial stream consisting of a combination of multiple streams, especially Pamur and Silat Pencak Silat Sterlak. Influence of Indo-Malay silat include: Silat Martial Arts Wisesa Teak and Monkey King Silat
Pencak Silat Sacred Movement - is the development of Pencak Silat Mande Muda
Pencak Silat Martial Tri - a combination of three streams Pencak Silat, IPSI, and two traditional streams. Tri-Defense is a martial arts college sports and health which is a unit of activity in Padang Teachers' Training College (Faculty of Physical Education)
Pencak Silat Maung Lugay - is perguruaan from North Jakarta precisely in the village of Rawa Badak, which branched in the District of North Cikarang, Bekasi. Maung Lugay college founded by Usman Wijaya and Ashari.
SACRED STAR martial arts - martial flow which consists of a combination of martial arts stream 5
Pencak Silat Rangjat - Brotherhood Martial Arts Pencak Silat Jati antler Core Power Padepokan
Siak Riau

University Pencak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa - science - science that is studied Islamic Studies and Science Pencak Silat Pengian Flow and Flow Science Minangkabau Pencak Silat Pencak Silat and Sciences Motion Flow pengelat guarded authenticity despite the times change according to circumstances. Based on the mental side and the teacher's mandate to his son namely Tengku Fuad Al - Azhar Zakiyat in an evening workout. Armed with knowledge of martial arts and religion are obtained directly from the teacher - the teacher and after a mandate is unseen (shadow form) from his father Datuk Azhar Bahroem Commander, whose contents iyalah: "....... Right now I feel there is hope that I have this knowledge forward to you. But it does not mean to here your job! From now on we shall take the liberty to practice science in the interests of the people. That is, science is not just relegated to a single family, but also developed for the benefit of society ..... "Since then, composed of a form of organization that is membership container with the name of University of Pencak Silat PANCA TASTE PEARL, with the Doctrine of Education is PANCA TASTE PEARL, which is a continuation of: Striking Without the Army, Warring Without Weapons, Win No Praise, Fighting Lillahi taa ' The meaningless iyalah lla: Be yourself you is yourself. And the fear of GOD, always wary and remember "Sky Above Sky Still There" means: "If There's Still Smart People Who Confess Some People That Are More Intelligent again".
Minangkabau Randai dance, a kind of traditional dance berunsur silat Minangkabau.
In the Realm of the Minangkabau, martial arts term has two meanings. For martial arts, Minangkabau people only mention the term Silek (martial arts), while arts (pancak, mancak) is used to show aspects of the martial arts that emphasize the beauty or also called martial arts.

Silat Tuo - Flow is considered the oldest martial art that descends from Pariangan area, Padang Panjang, but there are other opinions that say that this martial art originally developed by Tuanku Nan Tuo, a member of the Tiger Nan Salapan or cleric class. If this argument is accepted, then the "Silat Tuo" in Minangkabau inspired by animal movements such as tigers, crocodiles and cats.
Silat Bunge - one that emphasizes Minang silat flow motion on the application of art martial arts, martial arts is not to fight, but to peragaaan in custom events or other formal events.
Silat Sitaralak, Sterlak, Starlak - hard and strong flow of silat Minangkabau, developed by Ulud Bangindo Chatib (1865) from Kamang (near Bukittinggi), Agam, Sawahlunto expanded to the region. Others have suggested that the flow is designed to deal with the movement of Silat Tuo. Silat Tuo movement inspired by the movements of animals such as tigers, cats, and crocodiles. Typical character of this type of martial arts is to attack when the opponent will attack. Silat is spreading and growing in Malaysia and on to America.
Silat Kumango - one stream at Minangkabau silat developed by Sheikh Kumango, from villages Kumango, Batusanggkar, Kab. Flatland
Silat City Anau - Koto Anau area parried flow, which is the area of ​​defense Solok Minangkabau during linking formerly Pagaruyung as the center of the kingdom and Bayang, South Coastal.
Silat Pauah (Pauah) - silat Minangkabau flow from Pauah village, Padang. Silat is the martial youngest and considers there is an essence or a compilation (combined) of almost all the existing flows in Minangkabau silat, the martial arts specifically to fight, because in Pauah, Padang is one of the bases of struggle against invaders Minangkabau society in former times.
Silat Lintau - flow in Minangkabau silat originating from the village Lintau, Batusanggkar, Kab. Tanah Datar.
Silat Tiger - one stream at Minangkabau Silat which stresses on the game below.
Silat Buayo (Crocodile) - flow in Minangkabau silat movements inspired from crocodiles, playing low, the flow is growing in the South Coast.
Silat Pangian - originally came from the surrounding area and owned Lintau officials Minangkabau kingdom. Silat is growing in overseas Minangkabau, Kuantan, Riau Province
Sitting Silat - a martial art that emphasizes the flow of play in a state of martial sitting or lower, but may also have a martial sitting in another sense, that here students do not practice martial arts physically, but develop reasoning and logic.
Silat Sabandar - is derived from the martial arts Pagaruyung, West Sumatra, but developed in Kampung Sabandar, Karangtengah, Cianjur.
Fruit Silat Tarok - one stream at Minangkabau silat originating from Bayang, South Coastal. One peguruannya in the name Aur Duri Champaign-Fruit peguruan Salimbado Tarok, under the care of Emral Knopf Datuak Rajo Mudo. Silat Tarok fruit is also known by Silek Sitaralak Baruah by people in the region who formerly taught Maninjau by Udo fiance.
Silat Pakiah Rabun - thrive in the area of ​​Natural Surambi Capping River (see Silat Luncua)
Silat Elephant Badoroang - growing in the district Sawahlunto / Sijunjuang.
Silat Luncua (Launch) - developed by Pakiah Myopia developing in the area of ​​Natural Surambi Capping River, Solok.
Invisibility Silat - a school of martial arts martial arts can play a movement belonging peguruan others from anywhere.
Silat Sunua - of of Pariaman
Ulu Ambek of Silat from Pariaman area.
Silat Pole Ampek, including martial arts that developed out of the tuo Batipuh, District X Koto, Tanah Datar time Batipuah war against the Netherlands after the war vicar. Evolved once in Palembayan, intersection Batuhampar, Piladang, Tanjuang Natural-Agam, Sumarasok, Padang Tarok, Tanjuang Natural-Tanah Datar and Tabek Broken. The tuo Silat much development time disurau-mosque that his followers teachers tarikat (satariah??? Still uncertain, but in the prayer / Tawasul, they call Syech Burhanuddin / Burhan Aba) is not a martial art Silat movements are beautiful but practical martial arts. In the regions mentioned above in ways different teaching;
1. There are martial arts are sequence-dependent sequence teaches teachers, and
2. There is limited among the subjects taught in addition to martial arts, also religious, traditional treatment. The martial arts taught resting after Ramadan before Ramadan (7 x 40 days or 9 months 10 days. Silat by way of two above itself there are 4 levels:
(1). Maapa step sambuik jo (memorizing steps and welcome).
(2). Manyambuang step sambuik jo (connect step and welcome)
(3). Bagaluik. (Gelut)
(4). Maambiak Raso (menyambil sense, roughly equal to the supernatural martial arts) This four babiliak armpit level (selected students are taught specific) in the science of heart (inner murmur). Currently the college is rarely heard due to the general growth in the environment is limited.
Balubuih Silat, Silat developed by Sych Balubuih dinegri Fifty Balubuih City district. Syech Balubuih and Sych Kumango been equally studying religion and tarikat to Shaykh Abdurahman in Batu Ampar district Fifty City (formerly named LUHAK Fifty-Koto.
Silat Sungai Patai, Silat Sungai Patai Nagari developed in Tanah Datar.
Silat Lintau, Derived from the Lintau Buo Kab.Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. Silat is a martial art known in Minangkabau, with basic Lahkah Ompek (Step Four) and there is also the step Duo permitted (Twelve). Memili Lintau Silat martial arts teacher in almost 9 koto (area) in Lintau each of which has its own style but still based on the same step.
Betawi Performing martial arts styles Betawi in Jakarta.

Silat Cingkrik - one of the 300 stream silat Betawi, one of the characters is Pitung though this claim can not be verified. Many are found in Rawa Belong, South Jakarta, which still survive to this day is Cingkrik Goning and Cingkrik Sinan, both attributed to name his successor Engkong Goning and Engkong Sinan. Character beladirinya technique is to rely on a takedown or dings. Cingkrik Goning for example, has 80 takedown techniques that can be learned to finish. Heir Cingrik Goning now is Tb. Bambang Padepokan Sudrad who train in Pencak Silat Taman Mini Indonesia
Silat Glare Tigers - one of silat Betawi derived from Condet, East Jakarta. Famous characters are Entong Fat, Betawi hero rebellion Villa Nova's famous in the Netherlands against the government.
Silat Sabeni - silat Betawi, derived from the Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. Children of Babe Sabeni bin Chanam (founder Sabeni flow) is Ali Sabeni Babe who is also an artist sambrah, Betawi arts. Son of Ali Sabeni Babe is Zulbachtiar Sabeni (grandson of Babe Sabeni bin Chanam) is currently the principal heir of martial arts that continue to flow Sabeni preserved until now ( This flow continues berkembangan and give color to the other silat Betawi flow which is also controlled by Mr. Syuaeb, or better known as Bang AEB. In Jakarta, besides Bang Zulbachtiar which is Sabeni grandchildren who continue melatihkan Sabeni flow in Tenabang, also developed by many parties including foundation TIMA (Indonesian Traditional Martial Arts) which was founded and developed by Aria Adhika Wijaya (which is also the successor of Bang AEB), Raditya Sports Wijaya (sister of Adhika), and Artists Wijaya (father of Adhika and Radi).
Silat Three Chain - derived from martial arts game Jakarta historical figure, Prince Jayakarta. Founded by H. Achmad Bunawar (H.Mamak). incorporates many other traditional flow
Silat Motion Saka - Saka said diambila of Sundanese, 'Sakadaekna' which means simply. The flow of this one was prioritizing the effectiveness and simplicity of motion as the fighting philosophy. Is a development of the traditional martial arts of Sunda flow, Roll Motion Cultivation. Brought to Jakarta by Raden Widarma (OOM Wid). Pupil Uncle Wid, Muhammad Shafi familiar Pi'i Bang then founded this college.
Motion Sense sanalika Silat is one of Sundanese martial arts school that was founded by the elder silat Betawi H Nur Ali Akbar (Babe Nunung) flow combines martial saka motion, the motion and the motion per sepulah the main foundation remains in motion saka. Besides, it also combines with the stream to play at betawi
Silat Paseban - named after Paseban area, District Senen, Central Jakarta. M. Salah is the founder of this genre.
Silat is a martial cimacan betawi flow derived from the offerings and developed in the middle of the swampy rock, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta. Professor of martial cimacan are Drs. Ahmad Ramli Cyclone and still continue exis.Ciri typical college martial arts moves cimacan is a tiger.
Si Kilat Silat - as the name of this martial arts school to rely on a very fast attacking movement by hand
Silat Buttons 7 12 Star Dragon swim (Kera Sakti / Dragon brake) - flow of martial arts brought by Si Gondrong Kwitang Stud Kwitang
Silat Si Bunder / Dragon to cross - The ever preserved by Muhammad Nur (Babe Nung)
Gombel martial arts - martial arts streams belonging to the oldest martial arts in Batavia
Silat Gelamak - silat Betawi flow. The name is taken from the name of martial arts Kong Gelamak Betawi figures Senayan birth.
Silat Beksi - many colleges in the area of ​​South Jakarta (Kp Rice Petukangan and Tangerang City area Kereo Pisangan Ciledug). Beksi name supposedly comes from China, Bie Sie. Bie Sie means of defense and means four, meaning four corners defense.
West Java

Silat Cimande - along with Sera (flow ape), Pamacan (tiger flow) and reefs (stick fight) is a martial arts school founded Grandparent Kahir in the late 1700s in West Java. This art still exist in some villages in Cimande River, including the village Pull Conservative. Today there are more than 300 variations Cimande, including those in Betawi. Pitung also considered studying this flow.
Cikalong martial arts - martial arts stream with figures of Cianjur founder H. Ibrahim or R. Jaya Perbata, died in 1908. Scattered throughout the region of West Java and coloring some silat in West Java streams and surrounding areas. Also known as Maen Po Cikalong Ulin, Cikalong stance adopted at several universities Sundanese martial arts, such as Silat Panglipur Education, Heritage Siliwangi and others.
Silat Sabandar - is derived from the martial arts Pagaruyung, West Sumatra, but developed in Kampung Sabandar, Karangtengah, Cianjur.
Silat Riksa Budi kiwari - University was founded by Mr. Sonny Jayadiman in 1982 in London. Although the college age is relatively young, but has scored many outstanding athletes both nationally and internationally.
Silat Husky, Sera, Syera is one martial flow developed by KH. Raden Sarean in Bogor West Java. The raspy flow is derived from Silat Cimande.
Silat Depokan, this flow comes from Bogor, seeing his trademark flow of this has to do with Cimande and Husky. founder is Mr. H. Job.
Body motion Pencak Margaluyu Center, founded by Abah Andadinata, is one of the pioneer universities in Indonesia's power.
National Pencak Silat Padjadjaran University - University Silat which is the result of the merger of five streams and centered Buhun Silat in Bogor, Founder of the National University of Padjadjaran is Mr. TB. Sidik mochamad Sakabrata. This college has branches in various regions in Indonesia until Abroad, including the Netherlands, which is chaired by Mr. Eric Bovelander.
Silat Binasatria - University is located in Cibinong. Precisely at MAN CIBINONG. The college, established in 1994. Developed by teachers including Mr. magnitude. Zaenudin.
Central Java and Yogyakarta

Padepokan RangJat (antler Teak) Brotherhood Martial Arts Pencak Silat Jati Core Power Padepokan antler. Founded in Yogyakarta in 2012 February 21, by Dwi Warsanto BN, S.Pd. Kor. / The college already in matangkan of 2004 began with the name Psifisionergi to RangJat (antler Teak) is now 2012, Facebook Join In the Padepokan RangJat apply, padded martial arts knowledge, the concept of self-defense based on strength and speed or power or the power core.
Ragajati martial centered in Banjarnegara, Central Java, was established on August 6, 1976 by (the late) Professor Soeharno Soeroatmodjo. Currently Professor of martial Ragajati held by Agus Adi Wijoyo Hirawan Suro (Mas Agus), who is the son of Professor of History.
Unity Heart (PH) was established by RM Mangku Pujono (Professor) and assisted by other elders in Yogyakarta in 1927, is a continuation of the association "Be United" in 1921.
Silat Perpi Harimurti - came from Yogyakarta, established by a grandparent who studied at Gusti Sukowinadi Harimurti
Silat Empty Hand Martial PPS Merpati Putih - one of the colleges with the highest number of members in Indonesia. Derived from Yogyakarta.
Holy Footprint - college martial under Muhammadiyah organization. Its founders came from Banjarnegara Kauman and developments in the region, Yogyakarta
Pusaka Sakti Lakutama Mataram - college martial arts originating from Yogyakarta, founded by Ki Poleng Sudamala
Pencak Silat college Cepedi (Quick Self Defense) - was established on 17 September 1922 in the area of ​​Malioboro Dagen west, by Grandmother Image Mangkunagara.
Silver Rays Martial college - is a family martial arts organization that officially established on December 24, 1990.
Martial Garuda Nusantara University - founded by Mr. KH Muhammad Thoyyib Sumarko S.Pd. in 1996. relatively young, but have started taking part in keuaraan of mid-level Java and National
PS Garuda Jisai - University which came from Yogyakarta founded By FX.Sukirdjo since August 4, 1970 The Rational wing and religious and berazaskan Top Copyright, Sense and intention [citation needed]
East Java and Madura

Pencak Silat and Power In "SUNAN Kalidjaga", Which Was founded by Mr. Bayu Kurniawan year in 1993 in Surabaya, East Java.
Brotherhood Faithful Heart (SH), derived from the Brotherhood Sedulur Single intelligences founded by Ngabehi Suro Ki Diwiryo and lose a lot of martial arts colleges such as: PSHT, Winongo SH, SH White. The university center is domiciled in Madiun, East Java.
PSHT (Faithful Heart Brotherhood Terate) established by Ki Hajar Harjo Utomo 1922 in Pilangbango, Madison. This college-shaped organization and more emphasis on a sense of brotherhood. These universities have a member that has spread throughout the country, even abroad including Malaysia, Singapore, the Netherlands, Egypt and Russia.
Hut Ramaja (PPSGR) is a martial arts college based in Ngawi, East Java. This college is the successor to martial arts college "Doctor of Oriental Gubug" which was founded by the late. R. Koeshartoyo in 1935 in the village Ketanggi, Ngawi, East Java.
Hasdi (Member Association of Indonesian Silat Association) which was founded by Mr. RS. Hasdijatmiko in 1961, based in Jember, East Java. Is a martial arts school of martial arts that developed the technique of motion rapidly and straightforward.
Bawean martial arts - martial of Bawean Island, East Java. Silat Bawean or call Bawean pokolan [1], is one of the flow of the game which is a martial arts and martial arts as well as entertainment.
Pencak Silat Cempaka Putih (PSCP) - formerly known as Silat Mardi Anoraga Way, founded by Grandmother Mursid. 1964 to Cempaka Putih Pencak Silat founded by grandparents Wagiman (child Mursid grandparent), which is also famous for his presence parried. PSCP Panekan standing in the district, Magetan, and has members throughout Indonesia and abroad.
Family martial Ki Ageng Pandan Foundation, established in the district of Madiun kare By Adi Andaya Koestari father (a retired Air Force Air Force) on 10 November 1972 under the auspices of IPSI. The martial arts teach residents and students into the hands of rescuers, saving himself and others in a very broad interpretation and cling to "Wa Minalloh hablum hablum minannas". [2]
Unity Heart (PH) in Ponorogo, East Java, which was founded by Mbah Trimo
Pencak Silat NH college Perkasya (Nurul Huda Defence Two Shahadah), based in environmental Boarding School Tebuireng Jombang East Java. Silat college founded by Mr. Lamro Asyhari on 2 November 1982 (according to AD / ART) is homage YUKASI (Judo, Karate, Pencak Silat). It also taught mental and spiritual abilities, Islamic outlook, state insight, leadership, organizational management, and theology islaamiyah for propaganda material supplies. Most of the Council's own Warrior NH Perkasya also spearheaded the establishment of Nusa fence at that time.
Nusa fence (PN) in Kediri, East Java, which was founded by Gusmaksum. Is the union of the various martial arts that having religion of Islam NU
Silat Cobra, university centers are in Pamekasan, Madura Island, which was founded by Mr. Arif Budiman. The college has grown throughout Indonesia, one in Pontianak.
Brotherhood Sense of Single, Pencak Silat and Power In. Founded by RM. Sutadi Rakhanta in 1972 centered in Madiun East Java. Emphasizing the principle of nobility and General fire safety and seek blessing from Allah SWT. Members and currently has the Citizens throughout Indonesia.
Martial Arts Science Education Safety symbols of Islam (SI) in Tuban, Lamongan and surrounding areas, established by K. H. Ahmad Muzaini. This college is the unity of the various colleges that having religious teachings of Islam.
College of Arts Kung Fu Martial Arts IKS.PI. Kera Sakti founded by Mr. R.Totong Kiemdarto on January 15, 1980 at Jl. No pigeons. 45, Ex. Nambangan Lor, Mangunharjo district, the District of Madiun. The original name of this college is IKS.PI. which means the Association of Silat "Son of Indonesia" but when the college began developing additional named "Kera Sakti" behind him, because public college students and students get to know the name of that college stance stance engineering college keranya than the original name. For the next in college at the same time facilitate the search for identity is not directly add to the prestige of the university name disebutlah IKS.PI. Kera Sakti.
PPS Star Surya, Surabaya was founded by R.Pandji (grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati) in Surabaya in December 14 1973.PPS star Surya is one of the University of Pencak Silat pure ancestral heritage of the Indonesian nation, bersumberkan of science Sheikh Sharif Hidayatullah, who holds Sunan Gunung Jati, Cirebon, which is one of the Wali Songo-busting.

As the founder of the first as well as a great teacher of this college is Mr. R Totong Kiemdarto. Lessons taught by the great teacher of martial arts and spiritual monkeys to establish the physical and the faith of the boys and girls are in line with national development objectives namely memujudkan Indonesia fully human, physically and spiritually healthy and spirited PANCASILA.
At first the only known college environment Nambangan Lor village community alone but at around 1983 some force I and II students begin to develop the teaching of college in some places, SMAN 3 Madison, Lanuma Iswahyudi and near to. Only later after developing elsewhere not only the former residency of Madiun region but also beyond even got out of the island of Java. PPS solar star Borneo

Bersilat - martial arts of Borneo
Kuntau Banjar, Banjar whacky, whacky Grasshopper, Bang'koe (silat monkey) from South Kalimantan
Kuntau Kutai, East Kalimantan Kuntau Kilan
Cuyusika White Stork - martial arts college that combines four types of martial arts flow. Born in Banten, standing in Banyuwangi and thrive in Pontianak West Kalimantan by Muchsiono Hadi Saputra. (Red.HEHrp)
Pencak Silat Setia Budhi, Pencak Silat is a martial art that is humming Jihad fi Sabilillah, pencak It was founded by his father Soekarman
University IKS.PI Monkey magic in some branch / district and the city of lai. East Kalimantan (Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tenggarong, Paser Penajam North / PPU, gerogot, ITCI, Dong hwa, Bontang, Sangata, Sangkulirang, Berau, Tarakan etc.) Kalimantan to the south, a new city, banjarmasin, cape, etc. Slippery Rock. Central Kalimantan; Palangkaraya, Sampit, Pangkalanbun, etc. in West Kalimantan; spr in ketapan, Pontianak etc.
PSOB Taruna Bhakti, Kalsel-Team.

Silat Bakti State - pioneered by, among others, the national hero I Gusti Ngurah Rai but officially founded on January 31, 1955 by the warriors Bali Ida Bagus Oka Dewangkara, Ida Bagus Oka member a Warrior, Swordsman Bagus Made Rai Keplak, Swordsman Anak Agung Rai Tokir, Anak Agung Meranggi Swordsman and Swordsman Sri Dwi Tantric master. This college is quite high achievement in the national martial arts by producing champion athletes. In addition to local content, much influenced by the flow Cikaret and Cikalong.
Silat Kerta Wisesa - in the development of college or more martial arts than the portion received in the Consecrated State universities.
Silat Flute of the Gods - martial arts of the village of Tabanan Kerambitan that supposedly existed before the arrival of the Hindu religion. Silat was reintroduced by Ketut Drs.I Nantra the 1980s. Dimilkinya moves include: Tiger, Snake, youngest daughter, Tali Rasa.
Gobleg martial arts - martial arts of North Bali, precisely Gobleg village located near Lake Tamblingan. And perhaps this is the only village in Bali or Indonesia where the village name is taken from the name of the martial character. Gobleg is the name of terkemuka.Sedikit Silat warriors and teachers deviated from the topic; in Gianyar and Bangli district borders there is also a village named Siladan, according to the saga is also derived from the martial arts. On the border of the first soldiers from Bangli and Gianyar challenge each other and compete sparring with martial arts moves.
Sitembak martial arts - martial arts that developed in North Bali, yet rooted in the martial arts of Sunda
Mepantigan - mepantigan is martial sports dings and lockdown traditional Balinese gamelan accompanied gegambuhan or Putu Witsen Widjaya initiated at the beginning of this millennium, but bersumberkan the martial arts of Bali.
Abusuja silat - an empty-handed martial arts, learn techniques and power in a variety of healing techniques. Mempeljari techniques survived the attack near and far distances.
Flow and universities abroad Malaysia
Peninsular Malaysia

Bailer Malaysia - one of the 4 largest martial arts college that has a reputation in Malaysia
Silat tight - a type of martial arts to survive, because taking 99% technique and only 1% survive attack techniques. Is one of the largest martial arts dojos 4 has a reputation in Malaysia
Silat Lively - one of the largest martial arts dojos 4 reputable in Malaysia

Original Pencak Silat Melayu (PSMA) Spring12 - Before Merdeka recognized as Pencak Silat Melayu Original.

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