Posted by : Fawwaz Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

This time i will discuss about Japanese martial arts, Jujutsu :柔 术( also spelled Jujitsu , Ju - Jitsu or Jiu - Jitsu ) is a collective term for several styles of Martial Arts which originated in Japan , is not correct to say that Ju - Jitsu martial arts refers to one kind only. Jujutsu is basically the forms of self -defense is defensive and utilize " Yawara - gi " or techniques that are flexible , where the attack of the opponent faced by power, but by way of "tricking " the opponent so that power can be used to attack outdid himself . Of this martial art Jujutsu , born several other martial arts that have a similar defensive concepts , namely Aikido and Judo , both also from Japan .
Jujutsu consists of a variety of flow ( Ryuha ) , but the broad outline is divided into two " style " , ie traditional and modern . The movement of the two kinds of " styles " Jujutsu is virtually the same , but the moves have been adapted to modern jujutsu self-defense situation in modern times , while the traditional Jujutsu moves usually reflects the current situation of self-defense in the corresponding stream created Jujutsu . For example , Jujutsu was created at the time of the Sengoku Jidai ( before the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate ) emphasis on the fight on the battlefield armor ( called a Yoroi Kumi Uchi ) , while created in the Edo period ( after the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate ) emphasis on self-defense by using everyday clothes ( Suhada Jujutsu ) .

Jujutsu techniques in the outline consists of atemi waza ( attacking the weak part of the opponent's body ) , kansetsu waza / gyakudori ( locking joints opponent ) and nage waza ( knockdown ) . Each stream has its own way jujutsu techniques to perform the above . The technique is born of self-defense method of the Samurai ( ancient warriors ) when they lose the sword , or do not want to use a sword ( for example, because they do not want to injure or kill the opponent ) .
The flow of the oldest Japanese Jujutsu Takenouchi - ryu was founded in 1532 by Prince Takenouchi Hisamori . Other streams which include the famous Shindo Yoshin - ryu founded by Matsuoka Katsunosuke in 1864 , Daito - ryu founded by Takeda Sokaku in 1892 , Hakko - ryu Ryuho Okuyama established in 1942 , and many other streams .

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